Juvenile Civil Court

Juvenile Civil Court

Juvenile civil court is responsible for handling non-criminal legal matters involving minors, such as child custody, child support, and other family-related disputes. The jurisdiction of this court extends to a wide array of family-related disputes and issues, with the overarching objective of safeguarding the rights and well-being of children in the legal process. Let’s delve into a more detailed exploration of the responsibilities and functions of a juvenile civil court:

Child Custody: A pivotal responsibility of the juvenile civil court is to preside over child custody cases. In scenarios where parents are separated, divorced, or embroiled in disputes pertaining to the care and custody of their children, the juvenile civil court assumes a central role in addressing these matters. The court diligently assesses the specifics of each case, seeking to establish the most suitable custody arrangement, while carefully considering the paramount factor of the child’s best interests. This may involve granting joint custody, sole custody, visitation rights, or other custody-related arrangements in accordance with the unique circumstances of each case.

Child Support: The court also has a vital role in the realm of child support. In cases where parents are no longer living together, juvenile civil court is responsible for determining the financial obligations of each parent toward the upbringing and maintenance of their child. This involves calculating and establishing the amount of child support payments that the non-custodial parent must provide to ensure the child’s well-being.

Family-Related Disputes: Beyond child custody and support matters, the court plays a pivotal role in resolving a myriad of family-related disputes. These encompass cases that involve guardianship, visitation rights, disputes surrounding parental rights and responsibilities, and other issues connected to familial relationships. The juvenile civil court is committed to ensuring that a fair and equitable resolution is reached in these disputes, placing the welfare and best interests of the child at the forefront of its deliberations.

Termination of Parental Rights: In certain situations where it is deemed in the child’s best interests, the juvenile civil court may also be entrusted with the solemn task of terminating parental rights. This is a highly intricate and sensitive legal process, necessitating careful adherence to established legal procedures, and always guided by the overarching principle of securing the welfare of the child involved.

The juvenile civil court stands apart from its criminal juvenile court counterpart in that its principal focus is on the well-being and legal rights of minors in non-criminal contexts. It serves as a linchpin in protecting the rights and interests of children and ensuring that family-related legal matters are resolved in a manner that fosters their welfare and stability. The decisions rendered by this court have profound and enduring consequences for the lives of children and families, cementing its significance as a cornerstone within the legal system.


Filing a Petition – The process typically begins with one party (e.g., a parent) filing a petition with the court, outlining the legal issue they wish to address.

Mediation or Settlement – In some cases, the court may recommend or require mediation or settlement negotiations to resolve the dispute.

Hearing – If an agreement cannot be reached, a court hearing is scheduled where evidence is presented, witnesses are called, and a judge makes a decision.

Detention or Release – A detention hearing may be held to determine whether the minor should be detained or released pending the court hearing.

Orders and Decrees – The court issues orders and decrees that specify the resolution of the civil matter, such as child custody arrangements, or child support obligations.

Docket Days

Please note that all names and specific details are fictional and used for illustrative purposes only.

Day of the Week
Docket Type
Case Categories and Activities
Arraignment Docket
- Initial appearances for juvenile offenders
- Review of charges and plea options
- Assignment of defense counsel
Pre-Trial Docket
- Pre-trial conferences for pending delinquency cases
- Discussion of evidence, witnesses, and motions
- Scheduling future court dates
Adjudication and Disposition Docket
- Trials and hearings to determine guilt or innocence
- Sentencing and disposition of delinquent juveniles
- Review of probationary conditions and treatment
Probation Violation Docket
- Hearings for juveniles accused of violating probation
- Review of compliance with probation terms
- Modification of probation conditions
Status Hearing Docket
- General status hearings for pending delinquency cases
- Case management updates
- Scheduling future hearings and trial dates
As Needed
Emergency Hearings
- Hearings for urgent matters, such as detention orders
- Scheduling based on the urgency of the situation
Review and Rehabilitation Docket
- Review of rehabilitation and treatment progress
- Discussion of services and interventions
- Referrals to counseling, education, or therapy
Recovery Court
We hope you find this site useful and capable of answering most of your questions. Our office seeks to preserve and enhance the quality of life for all county citizens by ensuring orderly growth and development throughout the unincorporated areas of Bradley County. We are responsible for land use and other policy recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners, the County Mayor, members of the Planning Commission, the Board of Zoning Appeals, other elected and appointed county officials, county departments, and all county citizens. These recommendations are to be based on sound research, thoughtful analysis, and the wise use of resources through a combination of established and innovative planning techniques.

We are conveniently located in historic downtown Cleveland in the basement of the courthouse annex just across Broad Street from the main Courthouse. You may enter either from the main entrance at 155 Broad Street Northwest and come down the stairs, or you may enter under the burgundy awning on First Street.

This project is funded under a Grant Contract with the State of Tennessee, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.

Bradley County Juvenile Court is unique in that we are school-based probation. Each school in the County school system and City school system is assigned a Youth Service Officer who goes to their particular school and meets with any child on county probation, the YSO also assist the school with any and all problems and solutions with any child whether in the Court system or not when asked.

Probation is a consequence given by the Judge to any offender when deemed necessary, this supervision is for at least 6 months but could be extended due to other circumstances. Other types of supervision consists of Pre-Trial Diversion which is for first time offender of none serious crimes lasting for approximately 90 days. Judicial Diversion is another type of supervision lasting up to 6 months.

The YSO will meet with the child on a weekly basis paying close attention to their grades, attendance and discipline issues. A child may also be given community service work, ordered to do counseling, alcohol and drug assessment and are subject to random drug tests. YSO also assist other agencies including the Cleveland Police Department, Bradley County Sheriff’s Office, Department of Children Services and all neighboring counties.

LEAF Academy
Law Enforcement Academic and Fitness Academy was formed in 1997 as a summer program for at risk children involved in the Court system. The staff of the Academy is made up of officers from the Cleveland Police Department, Bradley County Sheriff’s Office and Juvenile Court. The Bradley County School system supplies 2 certified teachers and the Cleveland City School system supplies the transportation and location. The Academy takes approximately 60 students per summer.

The Academy is a 6-week program enrolling children ages 12-17 who have been Ordered by the Court to attend. Each cadet is tested at the beginning of the Academy in language arts and math, they are then assigned to groups based on their knowledge of those subjects.

A day consists of 8:00am until 12:00 physical training (pushups, sit-ups, running, etc.) and team building (relays and confidence course), lunch and academics from 12:30 to dismissal at 3:30. Each academic class is 1 hour with a third block consisting of conflict resolution, peer pressure, drug education, anger management, etc. This third block is taught by counseling professionals from Centerstone, Bradley County Health Department, Cleveland Police Department and Bradley County Sheriff’s Department.

Additional information can be obtained by calling Nancy Stanfield, Director of the Academy at Bradley County Juvenile Court.


The Matrix is located within the Bradley County Juvenile Detention Center. This unit serves as a liaison to the community, court system, and school system for resource linkage. Through the assistance of our case managers, we are able to help link juveniles with resources in our community and/or surrounding areas to help intervene in their area of need.

Such services include but are not limited to the following: mental health counseling, alcohol and drug assessment and treatment, non-custodial residential treatment, free/sliding scale resources, tutoring resources, as well as, researching service options for specialty needs.

These services are available for juveniles from six to seventeen years of age within Cleveland, TN. Referrals to the Matrix can be made through the court system, school system, or by walk-in. Juveniles do not have to be involved with the court system to receive resource linkage. It is our goal to make sure that every juvenile in need receives the proper services to help them succeed.

The mission of the Bradley County Juvenile Detention Center is to provide a safe, secure and cost effective facility for confining juveniles who have been sentenced to detention by the juvenile court, or by law enforcement officers that request the incarceration of a juvenile pending an arraignment, adjudication, mental evaluation, or transfer hearings.




Contact Details:
  • (423) 728-7084



Contact Details:
  • (423) 728-7085



Contact Details:
  • (423) 728-7045